
Describe yourself in five words.
Artist. Teacher. Optimist. Organized mess-maker.
Tell me about your family.
I live with my dear, sweet, amazing husband, Jeremy, and our special needs shih tzu Eli. We are also excitedly awaiting our newest family member, who will be making his arrival in early 2015! I love my little family, and we are excited to watch it grow.
Where do live?
Oviedo, Florida, right outside of Orlando. It’s a small town with southern charm, famous for its beloved wild chickens that roam the downtown area.
Who are your heroes?
My husband, for constantly inspiring me to be stronger and more compassionate. Jeremy isn’t afraid to be himself and truly speak up for what he believes in, and his integrity amazes me on a daily basis. My mom, for never letting anyone leave her house hungry. She is the most giving person I know, and she has always taught me to “pay it forward.”And my cooking hero is the amazing Isa Chandra Moskowitz! Her recipes inspired me to not only make creative choices in my own cooking, but her philosophy of baketivism, vegan food being a form of activism, has inspired me to use my own cooking as a way to inspire others to eat vegan.
How did Annessia and Beth start Cruelty Free Family?
Annessia and I have actually never met in person! We “met” virtually through Instagram, and were constantly sharing recipes, cooking tips, and drooling over each other’s posts. We realized that we both had the same philosophy about food, and both of us were in the beginning stages of starting a blog, so we decided to become co-bloggers and start one together! Through planning the blog and getting to know each other, we have quickly become good friends, and we are thrilled to be working with one another on such an exciting project!
What inspires you to cook?
Cooking to me is a time when I can be creative, relax, and do something that truly benefits my family and the planet. I get inspired by all of the other amazing vegan cooks out there, many of them bloggers and instagrammers who are cooking vegan food for the very same reason.
Name your three favorite ingredients.
Garlic, of course. Nutritional yeast, the secret to vegan cheesiness. And eveything’s better with some smoked paprika.
What’s a non-vegan dish that you’d love to veganize?
I’d love to veganize my Grandma’s cream cheese cookies that she makes every year for Christmas. I think veganizing family recipes is a beautiful way to honor your heritage while still staying true to your personal values.
You’ve got lemons, basil, walnuts, fresh bread, and a fully stocked pantry. What are you making?
Panzanella salad with homemade croutons, and a lemon-walnut pesto dressing.
Tell me something that’s on your bucket list.
I have been a traveler since I was a baby, and I’m always up for an adventure. One day, I’d love to visit a Koala sanctuary in Australia. I’m obsessed with koalas, they’re my spirit animal… sleep all day… eat some plants…what could be better?

Describe yourself in five words.
Mommy. Hopeful. Happy. Sensitive. Right-brained.
Tell me about your family.
My husband and I have two amazing girls, a shih tzu poodle mix, and an older rescue cat, all keeping us very busy and very happy.
Where do live?
Fredericton, NB
Who are your heroes?
My Mom, who never wavers in her beliefs. It doesn’t matter who is listening, where she is, convenient, or not (and believe me, there have been many occasions when it has not been convenient). She will always speak out against injustices, even when she stands alone or it goes against popular opinion. That is the type of woman I strive to be. And of course my husband, who is my ultimate supporter, my teammate, my BFF, the nicest human being I’ve ever known, and has about a million qualities that I hope, one day, will rub off on me.
How did Annessia and Beth start Cruelty Free Family?
It all happened so organically. We were in the same boat. Lots of tasty food and no blog. We started communicating via Instagram and later text message. Becoming friends was effortless, and blogging together seemed like it just needed to happen.
What inspires you to cook?
My family! I’m just trying to get fun, delicious, and peaceful food on the table. I never want my children or husband to say “We are vegan, so I had to miss out on this and this. I want them to say, “We are vegan so we got to experience THIS and THIS!”.
Name your three favorite ingredients.
Cashews for cream, Fresh squeezed citrus to brighten, and garlic for…everything.
What’s a non-vegan dish that you’d love to veganize?
This may be a little out of reach. Poached eggs, or eggs in general. They have such a visual presence in dishes. I’d love to come up with some cruelty free yolk porn.
You’ve got lemons, basil, walnuts, fresh bread, and a fully stocked pantry. What are you making?
A roasted veggie panini with a basil and walnut pesto.
Tell me something that’s on your bucket list.
I really want to take my mom to Italy. Get in touch with our family. Laugh a lot.